
最低: 17.00平均: 17.50
1株毎での1 tickの価値0.01 USD
最低契約のサイズ0.01 share
最低値段変化0.01 USD
契約サイズの最低値上げステップ0.01 share
ID毎の株毎の最大接触, USD100 000

*デポジットが> 100%の場合のみ

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FxPro 会社活動

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英国/ヨーロッパ株: 08:01-16:29
アメリカ株: 14:31~ 20:59


配当 営業日の開始 (サーバー時間 00:00) に株式または指数のオープン ポジションを保有している場合 (サーバー時間 00:00)、これはそれぞれの原資産の権利落ち日と一致し、配当が支払われます (または、ショート ポジション)。 買いポジションの場合、支払いは源泉徴収税の影響を差し引いたものになります。

Here at FxPro, we’re delighted to offer our clients the opportunity to invest in Papa John's, through our CFDs Product. This is an American pizza restaurant franchise. It runs the fourth largest pizza delivery chain in the United States.

According to the official open sources, the company’s history began in 1984. Headquarters is located in Jeffersontown, Kentucky, USA.

PMQ Pizza Magazine said in December 2016 that the company was the third-largest take-out and pizza delivery restaurant chain in the United States.

On March 5, 2019, Papa John's announced a settlement with Schnatter under which he will resign from the company's board of directors at the company's annual meeting on April 30 or when a mutually acceptable independent director is appointed to replace him, whichever comes first. Schnatter agreed to dismiss two lawsuits filed against the company and to withdraw his plan to run for a seat on the board at the annual meeting.

Papa John's agreed to remove the "acting in concert" provisions from its "poison pill" plan that prevented Schnatter from communicating with other company shareholders. Schnatter, who still controls 31% of Papa John's shares, issued a statement saying he was "thankful that I've been able to resolve these important issues" and hoped everyone could now "focus on the company's business without the need for additional litigation". The company also agreed to remove a requirement that Starboard Value, which owns about 10% of the company, must vote in favor of the incumbent board.

On March 22, 2019, it is announced that NBA Hall-of-Famer, Shaquille O'Neal will join Papa John's board of directors.

Today this brand is listed on the NASDAQ, S&P400 Component and its name is firmly established in our life.

Papa John's International, Inc stock price is subject to the observations of many traders in the world. At the beginning of 2019, Papa John's share price was 40,91 USD.

Among the reasons to keep a close eye to the CFDs on PapaJohns securities is the strong volatility that can be observed during the day-to-day trading sessions.

On this page, you can take a look at the Papa John's International, Inc share price chart to make your own responsible decision to buy or to sell it on the FxPro trading platforms. In order to trade shares successfully, be sure to follow corporate reports and actual data that are regularly published on the major news portals.

Also, keep a close eye to the Dividend calendar at the FxPro official website. According to it, сlients, holding “Buy” positions on the ex-div date will receive a dividend in the form of a cash adjustment (deposit). Clients, holding “Sell” positions on the ex-div date will be charged the dividend amount in the form of a cash adjustment (withdrawal).